All Content is now Self Hosted

You might notice that the badges, for the Nuget Packets I am maintaining, have been gone for some days and are now replaced by a simple table. What happened?

It happened with this decision of a German court that using Google Fonts from their CDN server hosted in the US can pose a privacy violation when used without user consent. Apparently, some predatorial lawyers are already on the hunt. Thus, I changed all my websites to host the fonts I am using in the same servers. While I was sort of angry about the extra effort I had to take, I understand the importance of data privacy, and, in that light, I can understand the decision. So, that is about the Google Fonts. What about anything else?

My goal was to change my website to either host everything myself, or to explicitly request content for any embedded content. And that is why is no longer directly used on my website. Call me paranoid if you will, but I think this might be an improvement also on content “stability”. Now, my backend fetches all the data I need, store it at my own host, and delivers it as a local part of my web site. In this case, I even changed fetching the data to a cron job running once a day. I am not that fast with Nuget packing anyway.

With this, now all content displayed on is delivered from the servers is hosted on.

The downside, of course, is that this poses an additional maintenance burden on me. The backend is calling semi-documented Apis, which might change any time, and it does some fragile parsing, e.g., in case of the not so structured Lua project website. The current solution cannot be a final solution, and it will need to be improved in the future. We will see.

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