Everything Search Client

Some time ago I started a section on my website here about tools I use and like. I started that series writing about the Everything search tool by Voidtools, which is lightning fast and awesome.

Since then I integrate Everything into several internal tools of mine. Most of the time, I used the Everything command line client and parsed its output. However, I had some trouble with Unicode file names. Then I looked at Dotnet library solutions, namely Everything .Net Client and EverythingNet. Both are basically only P/Invoke wrappers around the Everything SDK, which itself is a wrapper around Interprocess Calls (IPC) to the Everything service. And so, since I know my stuff around low level techniques like Windows Message based IPC, and since I don’t like wrappers of wrappers of functions, I decided to write a library of my own: Everything Search Client

It is a .Net 6.0 library, completely written in CSharp, with some P/Invoke calls to native Windows functions of the Operating System, and directly talking to the Everything service.

The code is available on Github and the ready-to-use nuget package is on Nuget.org.

If you find it useful and use it in a tool of your own, I would love to hear about it: Used By, How to Contribute

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