The End is near

We can’t ignore the fact: the year 2010 is almost past. At such times I recognize how much I have not done of what I wanted to do. I am still not millionaire and all my projects are significantly less complete than they should be. There is absolutely no doubt that this will also happen next year. But, that is no reason not to try as much as I can (or more). :-) I want to show you a, for sure incomplete, list of my current projects and my projects planned for 2011. I sorted the list according to my personal priorities, which might change any minute.

  • MegaMol
    The only “commercial” project I will show here. Early 2011 I plan to get version 1.0 of MegaMol up and running.
  • Exoworlds
    It possibly is my oldest long-term project. But I love it and I will not let it die!
  • MILC
    A very young project, started this week because of personal needs. I don’t want to give too much information about it just now, but stay tuned.
  • Nameless Board Game
    A small board game I am planning for some time now (imagine a cross-over of “Risk&quot, “Chess”, and “Checkers”). Every now and then I had a name of the game, but I didn’t liked most of them. Currently I am still tweaking the rules, because I want to ensure that no player could force a tie. Although, there is some progress, it is much slower than I hoped it would be. Well, I believe creativity cannot be forced.
  • Working Title: NSB
    Behind the working title NSB stands an idea; a good idea! :-) More info to come…
  • Kanoneur 2
    In the week just before Christmas a good friend of my reminded me of the mini-game “Kanoneur” I have written a long time ago. For me it was a project to gain some practice in OpenGL. The gameplay was basically the one of Tank Wars. When my friend reminded me of all the “enhancements” we came up for the game, I wanted to re-start that project again. So “Kanoneur 2” will come, although it is probably the game with the most stupid name of all time.
  • My Websites
    There is still much to do at my websites; nothing visible, all optimizations and enhancements of the scripts.
  • Mr. Burns TOK
    I didn’t forget about it. It’s just that my motivation to work with this ancient source code is not that high. But I promise, I will do it “soon”.
  • All my little Helpers/Tools
    I got roughly a dozen small tools I am writing to ease my daily work. I would be nice if some of them would finally be completed. :-/

Because I know myself, and I am pretty sure I will not write another post this year:

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2011!

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